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Make a Donation

Make A Donation

General Donations

We are committed to improving the lives of all people living with Type 1 diabetes, but we can’t do it without your help. Your tax-deductible donation includes a thank you letter from our organization.

Donate by using PayPal

General Donations


General Donations

Make a General Donation through our PayPal Account. 

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Round-Up Your Change

Round-up your change to benefit Camp! A new and easy way to give your change by simply linking your preferred debit or credit card as you make everyday purchases.

In-Honor Donations

Mark a special occasion by honoring a loved one with a donation made in their name. Your tax-deductible donation includes a thank you letter from our organization. 

Memorial Donations

Honor the memory of a family member, friend or loved one by making a donation in their name. Your tax-deductible donation includes a thank you letter from our organization.

Donate by Mail


IRS Determination Letter

Tax ID: 501(c)3 95-3897543

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